Tarrant Cross Child and Christian Braid bring 30 years of combined experience from the flooring industry, paired with years of friendship and passion for their work.
Tarrant Cross Child is a member of the Blackfoot Tribe from the Blood Reserve in Alberta. He began his own tile installation company in 2002. Soon after, he was contracted by Braid Flooring & Window Fashions, as a full time installer.
Cross Child’s journey with Braid Flooring began at the same time as Christian Braid took over and purchased the long standing family business, which began in 1986. Braid is now President of the company, which continues to be a leader in the home and commercial flooring industry in Saskatchewan.
After years of working together, Braid and Cross Child formed a strong relationship both professionally and personally.
In 2015, Tarrant and Christian sat down to explore a new opportunity they believed could not only generate new business opportunities but focus on supporting the Indigenous communities in Saskatchewan. The two spent almost three years of community engagement, exploration, and planning before developing their path.
In 2018 Tarrant and Christian partnered to develop Prairie Flooring Ltd, a First Nations majority owned business geared towards excellence in the trade of flooring installation while creating meaningful training and career opportunities for Indigenous communities.